Image Set 1

Hello! Check out some of the images I edited for the Teacher’s College Christmas party 2017.

At the party, we had a photo booth and props set up. Guests had their photo taken, then selected a background to be Photoshopped onto.

I went through each of the original images – cutting out guests from the green screen and original background. Sometimes, it could be done all at once; other pictures were so busy, it needed to be done in sections. Then it was a simple matter of transforming the image to resize it and fitting it naturally into the new background.

Check ’em out!

Before and After

Joshua ready to be Photoshopped
Joshua ready to be Photoshopped
Joshua being chased by Santa Claus
Joshua being chased by Santa Claus

Before and After

Jesse and Libby ready to be Photoshopped
Original Pic before Photoshop
Jessie and Libby in a Winter Wonderland
Jessie and Libby in a Winter Wonderland

Before and After

Janet Ready to be Photoshopped
Janet Ready to be Photoshopped
Janet's Happy New Year
Janet’s Happy New Year